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Add another success! Guolin Technology Ozone Technology Helps Shenhua Group Ordos Coal-to-Liquid Wastewater Project


Shenhua Group Ordos Coal-to-Liquid Branch is a production and operating company that adopts Shenhua coal direct liquefaction process, uses coal as raw material, and produces petroleum and petrochemical products through chemical processing. It is currently the leading modern large-scale coal direct liquefaction in the world. The industrial production plant is also the first high-concentration sewage near-zero discharge demonstration project in my country's coal chemical industry.

In order to decompose organic pollutants in wastewater, improve the purification effect of water quality, and discharge sewage up to standard, Guolin Technology provided 3 sets of oxygen source 50kg/h ozone generators for the high COD brine purification and treatment project of Shenhua Group Ordos Coal-to-Liquid Branch. Complete system to assist in stimulating catalytic oxidation of high-salt organic wastewater.

The ozone generator independently developed by Guolin Technology has been widely used in the coal chemical industry and has rich experience in chemical wastewater treatment. Guolin Technology is well recognized by the industry in the chemical industry with its independently developed ozone key technology and high-quality product quality.

The participation of Guolin Technology in the Ordos Coal-to-Liquid Wastewater Treatment Project of Shenhua Group marks the in-depth development of Guolin Technology in the field of coal chemical wastewater treatment. Relying on the ozone technology advantages of Guolin Technology, we strive to push coal chemical wastewater treatment to a greener and more efficient direction and contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development.



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    We have long-term cooperation with experts of ozone technology.

  • Upgrade

    Cooperate with client to upgrade relevant equipment in the ozone generation system.
